WG on TIVA-TCI met in Desio

The ISVRA Workgroup on IntraVenous Anaesthesia (TIVA-TCI) met in Milan the 154th of February 2009. The meeting included clinical case presentations about PK guided infusion of fentanyl and propofol, an update on new rules and regulations applying to Workgroups, and the design of a new prospective multicentre clinical study about propofol induction. Clinical case presentations highlighted that many veterinary anaesthetists in Italy routinely use Target Guided Infusions and BET schemes for both Propofol and Fentanyl. Bet schemes have been first introduced in Italy by ISVRA three years ago, and presented at the ACVS Advanced pain Laboratory in San Diego (USA) by Lorenzo Novello (ISVRA President) last year. Paola Costa (Gavi, Alessandria, Italy) has been elected Chair of the Workgroup for the current year. Next meeting will be held in Rimini (Northern Italy, East coast) next May.