Company: B/Braun Melsungen AG D-34209 Melsungen (Germany)
Product name: Perican Paed.
REF: 4502094
Package includes: Tuohy needle 20G x 2” 0.90 x 50 mm, yellow stylet hub
Supplier: B/Braun, although a veterinary dealer may be available in some European countries.
To place an order: by telephone call to B/Braun Customer Care. Open account available on request.
20G Perican Paed is a B/Braun advanced equipment for little patients. The individual package includes a 20G, 50 mm long, epidural needle with the unique Tuohy curve and bevel design, and a close fitting yellow coded stylet hub. The two small wings and the 5 mm depth markings make epidural space location easy. The smaller needle diameter (i.e. smaller size) sometimes makes feel and differentiation of tissue layers less than excellent compared to the 18G. In addition, the needle might result too short to enter the dorsal epidural space in obese small dogs and cats, or if a segmental paramedian approach requires a greater angulation compared to standard. The 20G Perican Paed may be used to thread a 0.6 mm or smaller epidural catheter, however B/Braun does not sell individually packed 0.6 mm catheters. As a result, continuous epidural anaesthesia/analgesia should be provided using the ‘Perifix ONE Paed 20’ paediatric filter set, which contains the Tuohy needle with stylet, the LOR syringe, the catheter connector and the antimicrobial filter.